About us

Frist LED Display factory in Southeast Europe

ANTENA-NET d.o.o. is a leading company that develops and manufactures its own LED displays in Southeast and Central Europe.

Founded in 2007, Antena Net has successfully completed hundreds of projects širom Evrope. Through her business and development, she profiled and specialized in design, production, and installation of LED displays. Enthusiasm and passion for LED technology, combined with experience, precision and technical progress, led to the creation BELGRAND brand which aims to become global brand.


Company is export-oriented, te izvozi na tržišta: Srbije, Crne Gore, Makedonije, Hrvatske, Slovenije, Austrije, Švajcarske, Albanije, Slovačke, Njemačke, Poljske i i Italije, na kojima je već prepoznatljiv brend BELGRAND. Izvoz čini 85% of total sales. We are company with the most installed LED billboards – preko 4000(računajući samo LED bilborde preko 12m2)

Leading LED Display company in Europe

In order to protect and preserve the uniqueness and quality of our products, we decided to create our own brand - BELGRAND. This brand is registered and protected, which made us proud owners of an authentic domestic brand. BELGRAND was created in 2019 and has since become synonymous with quality, innovation and reliability in the LED display industry.

Blue ellipse represents the aspiration for the presence of the brand in the whole world

U 2020.godini ANTENA-NET sagradila je vlastitu fabriku LED displeja, with surface of 1800m².

We have successfully implemented the certificates ISO 9001 2015, ISO 14001 2015, ISO 45001 2018, ISO 3834 – 2

In 2020, we received recognition for our BELGRAND LED displays, in the category for quality and development of domestic productsawarded by the RS Chamber of Commerce as part of the domestic production promotion project "Ours is better".

In 2022, ANTENA NET d.o.o. was declared the most successful small company in the Republic of Srpska, as part of the manifestation of the RS Chamber of Commerce "Selection of the most successful in the economy of the Republic of Srpska for 2022".

In 2023, was completed HALL 2 with surface of 1700m² dedicated exclusively to the metal sector of the company.

LED Display Factory BELGRAND Teslic

The company ANTENA-NET is dedicated to innovations in the field of designing and developing control software za LED displeje.  Naš tim stručnjaka kombinuje tehničko znanje sa kreativnošću kako bi stvorio sofisticirane i intuitivne softverske alate.

One of our newest and most innovative applications is the BELGRAND Scoreboard.  Osmišljena sa ciljem da pruži napredno rešenje za upravljanje LED semaforima tokom sportskih događaja. Bez obzira na sport, BELGRAND Scoreboard je dizajniran da omogući jednostavno praćenje rezultata, vremena i drugih bitnih informacija, istovremeno pružajući nezaboravno iskustvo za publiku.

The software has already been recognized by the highest quality sports clubs and events both in our country and in the PR China by the leading manufacturers of LED displays.

Along with our commitment to innovation, we are working on developing several more software solutions. We are your reliable partner for advanced software solutions and visual communications that set new standards.

BELGRAND Scoreboard software
BELGRAND software handball

The company currently employing 60 peoples, prosjek  starosti je 27 godina.

Vizija nam je postati prepoznat kao vodeći evropski brend inovativnih LED Displeja koja transformišu oglašavanje, pružajući kljientima prednost.

What sets BELGRAND displays apart from the competition is their reliable operation, low energy consumption, top image quality, fast delivery of finished products directly from the production plant in Teslić.

U proteklih 17 godina, uložen je veliki napor u projektovanju vlastitih elektronskih komponenti.

Komponente BELGRAND LED displeja razvijene su i dizajnirane od strane vlastitih inžinjera na osnovu dugogodišnjeg iskustva kako bi se osigurao što efikasniji i dugovječniji rad naših proizvoda. Komponente su brendirane zaštitnim znakom BELGRAND. Posjedujemo i vlastiti servis za popravku istih.


Kako kompanija posluje već 17-tu godinu osjetila se potreba za zbrinjavanje starih LED DISPLEJA, koje je moguće zamjeniti za nove BELGRAND LED displeje uz minimalnu doplatu svim vlasnicima bez obzira na to od koga su kupljeni.

In support of that, as a socially responsible company, the next step is the construction of its own CENTER for recycling LED displays and similar electronic devices, both for the purpose of environmental protection and for the development of the local community, Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.



Online support in case of a software failure or help with placing or replacing advertising content on displays. For some important events such as concerts, football matches, various campaigns, we also offer non-stop support.

Mobile Team

Posjeduje veći broj članova i raznih prilagođenih vozila za brze intervecije u slučaju hardverskog kvara, koji se mora otkloniti na licu mjesta. Osim intervencije MOBILE TEAM se bavi i montažom LED displeja. U slučaju kvara MOBILE TEAM reaguje nakon SUPPORTA u roku od 24sata na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine, a za područje susjednih zemalja odziv je 48 sati, osim ako nije drugačije ugovoreno.

Design Office

Bavi izradom VIDEO reklama za naše klijente koji tek počinju da se bave ovim poslom, a ujedno im pružamo i obuku za korištenje softverskih alata za izradu istih. Osim navedenog, DESIGN OFFICE se bavi i projektovanjem raznih kontrukcijiskih rješenja kao što su: nosači, totemi, city light i sl.

Steel Team

Responsible for the production of all metal structures and parts. Production is carried out in a modernly equipped workshop, which has CNC equipment and certified staff.

LED-Tronic Team

The most numerous team that deals with: completing LED cabinets, testing finished products, research in the field of new technological solutions, repair of modules and control cards that arrive from the field, etc.

The rest of the employees are engaged in procurement, sales, marketing and administrative works.